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Alvis, Inc.

Who We Are: Founded in 1967, Alvis has evolved to be a comprehensive, human services organization offering programs and services to meet the complex challenges of society’s most vulnerable and underserved populations. Our lines of service are: Reentry, Behavioral Health, Workforce Development & Training, Developmental Disability Programs, and Family & Children’s Programs. Experience has taught us that the formula for creating lasting impact is to take a holistic approach that addresses the physical and mental health, education, housing, employment, and substance abuse needs of everyone we serve. Every day, we work to empower our clients to build successful, productive lives.

What We Do: We turn lives around. We help individuals with justice involvement successfully return to our community. We won’t allow behavioral health issues derail future success. Our specialized recovery programs serve 1) individuals w/ justice involvement, 2) women, 3) women and children, and 4) individuals w/ developmental disabilities. Our workforce development programs provide job readiness and vocational skills that lead to living wage jobs. We are a leader in serving individuals w/ developmental disabilities. Our programs create families and homes for those who may have previously known only institutions. Our Family and Children’s programs give children of parent(s) with justice-involvement or substance abuse the treatment they need, in order to end the generational cycle of trauma, substance abuse and/or justice involvement.

Why We're Important: The Alvis vision is that communities believe an individual’s potential is more important than their past. We treat some of the most underserved and overlooked individuals in our community: people with justice involvement, substance abuse, mental health, trauma, and/or developmental disabilities; as well as the children of individuals facing these challenges in their lives. We provide research-based, integrated programs and services designed to help all the individuals entrusted to our care to maximize their potential.

How We Impact The Community: Alvis clients have transformed their lives, leading to a better community for all: 79% of the clients who completed our community corrections residential program did not return to the criminal justice system (measured 3 years after completion). Treatment in the community is twice as effective and one-third of the cost as comparable treatment in prison. Alvis clients earn over $5 million in wages each year, meaning they positively contribute by paying taxes, housing expenses, childcare or child support, etc. Each year, our clients & staff complete more than 10,000 hours of community service/volunteer work.

How You Can Help: Consider making a financial contribution. No gift is too small. Please go to: Thank you.

Volunteer opportunities for groups and individuals include (some may be limited due to COVID):

  • Host a donation drive of: toiletries, hygiene items, bath & body type items, nail polish/files, new bath towels, laundry detergent, garden tools, etc.

  • Donate gently-used clothing.

  • Write a note to encourage clients; make placemats, organize clothing closet, paint or landscape, help fulfill holiday & birthday wish lists, help at special events, conduct mock interviews, help write resumes, and more.

  • Donate time – experts are needed for photography, videography (editing too), art, etc.

Connect with Alvis

2100 Stella Court Columbus, OH 43215 614-252-8402

President & CEO: Denise M. Robinson Email: Development Director: Arlene Ritter Email: Board Chair: Keith Stevens, President and CEO, PSI Solutions


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