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Central Ohio Youth for Christ (COYFC)

youth for christ columbus ohio volunteer nonprofit

Who We Are: Central Ohio Youth for Christ (COYFC) is a locally governed affiliate of the National Youth for Christ organization. We opened our office in 1981, and have been serving youth in Franklin and the surrounding counties of Central Ohio ever since. Our staff and volunteers reach out to teens and their families to help them navigate the challenges they face in our ever-changing world, regardless of their socio-economic background, race, religion or gender.

What We Do: COYFC is passionate about serving young people and their families, especially those who struggle with poverty and other societal issues. Our holistic ministry approach reinforces the need for education, healthy relationships and giving back to the community. Our staff and volunteers engage the teens in mentoring, teen parents’ education, homework help, job-skills training, leadership training, professional counseling, club meetings, retreats, case management services and community service opportunities.

Why We’re Important: The vast majority of our youth are impacted by a myriad of negative influences: substance abuse; single-parent (or no parent homes); poverty; drop out, etc. These youth lead very chaotic lives, and have little if any committed input from trusted family or friends. They often crave acceptance, encouragement and guidance. Our staff and volunteers build relationships with these young people and provide positive adult role models who offer unconditional acceptance while helping to equip them to make healthy and productive life choices.

How We Impact the Community: Our goal is to help a young person thrive to the point that they can and do give back to others. We have a sizable group of young adults who have aged out of our program (18 and older) but who invest in the younger teens by mentoring them. The younger youth respond very well to these student leaders because they have “walked in their shoes” and made positive choices despite the pitfalls so common to our youth. This is the beginning of real community change.

How You Can Help:

  • Pray – Our ministry staff send regular updates on their work on how you can help support them through prayer.

  • Volunteer–We need the help of the community to work with these young people. Volunteering can take many forms – tutoring, teaching, homework help, classes, mentoring, provide meals, etc.

  • Give –Financially supporting the mission is always a needed and greatly appreciated sacrifice.

Connect with Central Ohio Youth for Christ

5000 Arlington Centre Blvd

Columbus, OH 43220


Executive Director: Scott Arnold

Development Director: Vicky Thompson

Board Chair: Mrs. Cindy Kratzer


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