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Community Shelter Board

community shelter board homelessness homeless columbus ohio housing impact organization

Who We Are: Community Shelter Board was created in 1986, founded on the vision that no one should be homeless in our community, for even one night. Our mission is to lead a coordinated, community effort to make sure everyone has a place to call home. CSB is the collective impact organization driving the best outcomes for people facing homelessness in Columbus and Franklin County. CSB is considered a national model for organizing a community’s response to homelessness.

What We Do: Housing costs are far more than what many working people earn. Since the pandemic began, job and income losses have concentrated among low-wage workers. As a result, more than 1,600 people are homeless tonight in Columbus. Many are facing homelessness for the first time, as they struggle to regain stability.

Why We’re Important: Community Shelter Board and our network partners are working to keep people safe in shelter and help them return to the stability of housing. And CSB is preventing more families from becoming homeless and identifying their housing crisis sooner. Join the fight to protect our community’s most vulnerable and give hope to men, women, and children facing homelessness. Community Shelter Board will be here until everyone has a place to call home.

How We Impact the Community: Community Shelter Board brings together diverse organizations to work as a system, rather than as a fragmented set of resources. Over the last five years, more than 6,700 households in shelters were re-housed and stabilized through our network of care. Our prevention programs helped more than 1,400 households avoid homelessness. We have housed more than 2,200 households that experienced long-term homelessness and disabilities in specialized, supportive housing – saving costs for jails, emergency room visits, and inpatient hospital stays. Ensuring safe and decent housing for individual residents helps move our entire community forward.

How You Can Help: No child should spend the holidays in a shelter, especially during a global pandemic. Help us get families home for the holidays. Every investment means more families in our community will have a place to call home for the holidays and beyond. If you’re thankful to have a safe, warm home, make a gift today at or text HOME2021 to 91999.

Connect with Community Shelter Board

355 East Campus View Boulevard, Suite 250,

Columbus, Ohio 43235


Executive Director: Michelle Heritage

Development Director: Melissa Garver

Board Chair: Amy Dawson, Executive Vice President Fahlgren Mortine


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