Recreation Unlimited Foundation Recap
This summer, the Recreation Unlimited Foundation benefited from two wonderful golf events in June at The Memorial Tournament. The first, a private luncheon held at the Palmer Villa on June 1st hosted by Jack and Barbara Nicklaus, was held in honor of 45 donors to the 2020 Recreation Unlimited Invitational Golf Tournament who supported the Send a Kid to Camp scholarship donation(s).
Just a few days later, a private lunch and viewing of The Memorial Golf Tournament was held at the beautiful home of Ken and Kristine Westerheide located on the 7th fairway of Muirfield Village Golf Club. Thanks to the generosity of Ken and Kristine Westerheide and Recreation Unlimited Foundation Board member Ginni Ragan, this event raised $10,000 for the Recreation Unlimited Foundation.
For more information on the Recreation Unlimited Foundation, visit