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Lutheran Social Services

Who We Are: Lutheran Social Services (LSS) serves thousands of people each day in 27 Ohio counties by addressing the four core societal issues of food, shelter, safety and healing. While LSS services have evolved since our inception in 1912, the core of who we are is still the same. By fulfilling our vision that respect, compassion and love overcome poverty, fear and loneliness, we strive to create a better world by serving people in need.

What We Do: LSS offers food through the LSS FoodPantries, housing and supportive services for homeless individuals through LSS Faith Mission and LSS FaithMission of Fairfield County, domestic violence services through LSS CHOICES for Victims of DomesticViolence, information and referral through LSS 211Central Ohio, senior living and health care, affordable housing communities, and other services that uplift families and strengthen communities.

Why We’re Important: Our goal is to address the most pressing concerns of poverty by providing a meal, shelter, health care or safety. By doing this, we enable our neighbors in need to focus on breaking the cycle of poverty that keeps them from stable lives. A stable home and family provides a solid platform for positive growth, vibrant neighborhoods and economic prosperity.

How We Impact the Community: In FY20, LSS provided more than 1.6 million meals and 138,000 nights of shelter, answered 4,400 domestic violence hotline calls, and had7,000 visits to our health center.

How You Can Help: Donations are always welcomed. To donate, visit To volunteer, To view our wishlists for in-kind donation ideas, visit

Connect with Lutheran Social Services

500 W. Wilson Bridge Dr., Ste. 245

Worthington, OH 43085


Executive Director: Rev. Larry A. Crowell, President and CEO

Development Director: Michele Cenci, Vice President of Philanthropy

and Volunteerism

Board Chair: Rev. Bonnie Gerber, Pastor All Saints Lutheran Church, Worthington


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