Who We Are: Jewish Family Services is unlike any other agency in Central Ohio. Our name confuses people into thinking we are all Jewish and serve only the Jewish community. But our board members, staff, and clients are Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Hindu, Black and White, gay and straight. Our staff hails from 16 countries and speaks 2 dozen languages and dialects. We are all connected by Jewish values that compel us to help people - all kinds of people - who are facing life's challenges. Since 1908, Jewish Family Services has helped individuals and families achieve economic self-sufficiency and emotional stability.
What We Do: Our integrated, individualized services include helping people find good jobs and companies find talent; supporting older adults as they navigate the challenges of aging; helping refugees integrate into the Central Ohio community; connecting people to resources; empowering family self-sufficiency; and engaging volunteers.
Why We’re Important: Our work positions us well to look to the future and address the challenges facing our region. We are preparing our workforce and employers for the rapid economic growth expected in the next 10-20 years; addressing the needs of our burgeoning population of older adults; using technology to help us better connect with people; and working alongside our partners to address challenges like affordable housing and food security. The diversity of our staff breeds innovation and enables us to provide culturally competent care that meets people where they are. This work builds bridges and breaks down barriers across communities.
How We Impact the Community: Our work has both a personal impact on the lives of those we serve and a huge economic impact. Last year we helped 693 seniors, including 181 Holocaust survivors, navigate loss and isolation and develop strategies to age in place. We helped 1,467 families stabilize through financial counseling, resource navigation, and skills training. And we helped 630 people find new jobs at average wages of nearly $22/hour. In a one-year period, those individuals will earn $28.5M in wages and pay $7M in taxes. We are more than just do-gooders, we’re also economic engines.
How You Can Help: An unrestricted donation to support greatest needs is the most powerful way to support our work. It allows us the flexibility to tailor services to meet the unique needs of each individual and adapt to community needs as they evolve. We also rely on the generosity of volunteers who share time as friendly visitors for senior clients, pack welcome kits for newly arriving refugees, provide holiday gifts for families, and more. If you are interested in learning more about donating and/or volunteering, please reach out.
Jewish Family Services
1070 College Avenue, Columbus, OH 43209
Executive Director: Karen Mozenter
Development Director: Diana Schrimpf
Board Chair: Austin Barger