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10 Things I Can't Live Without


The progeny of successful parentage can sometimes find it daunting to emerge from the shadow of their forebears' success. For the Moody family, this shadow is more of a spotlight, with the high beam passing from father-to-son. Earlier this year, Jonathan Moody took the reins of the family business, the largest African-American owned architecture and design firm in the United States, from his father, Curt.

Jonathan and his two brothers grew up along with the business, which now boasts 12 offices around the country. Inspired by the family-focused endeavor and given the ability to dabble in various aspects of the business prior to college, Jonathan ultimately decided to follow in his father's footsteps by studying architecture at Cornell University. After making his mark at CannonDesign's Yazdani Studio in Los Angeles, Jonathan returned to Columbus in 2011, joining Moody Nolan as a design architect.

Considering architecture in a broader sense, Jonathan views his work as a medium through which people can be connected, and he can promote "diversity by design." His passionate desire to make a difference extends outside of the office and into the community. As a Youth Ministry Empowerment Leader for New Covenant Believer's Church, he focuses on mentoring and education programs focused on developing young men.

A devoted husband and father of two, Jonathan, who calls himself a people person and community builder, relishes in the responsibility of stewarding the family business. It's a place where he says, "there is no differentiation between family and business."

  1. iPad and Calendar: I show up when and where my calendar says I'm supposed to be, ready to take notes, sketch and present from my iPad.

  2. NPR and Morning Runs: I try to participate in at least four races a year. Between races, my training runs are the best time to catch up on the news and current events. NPR distracts me just enough to make a five-mile run tolerable.

  3. Podcasts: Hidden Brain, Freakonomics, TED Radio Hour, and CMC Community Conversations make fast yard work and house work. I actually look forward to cutting the grass.

  4. Story Time with Kids: Twenty of the best minutes of my day are reading to my son and daughter. Right now, we're making our way through "Bedtime Inspirational Stories: 50 Amazing Black People Who Changed the World," but one of our consistent favorites is "Beautiful Moon: A Child's Prayer."

  5. Dad Jokes: Justifying my slightly corny sense of humor is one of my favorite parts of fatherhood. My wife doesn't acknowledge that she loves them, but I know deep down she does.

  6. College Football and BBQ: I love all of it and can't get enough. I base my Saturdays in the fall around when Cornell, Ohio State, and UCLA play. This goes really well with some kind of smoked meat.

  7. NCBC Empowerment Zones: This small group ministry at our Church affords my wife and I an opportunity to mentor other couples, and I work as a teen facilitator with young men. We get as much as we give from it.

  8. Family Business: For our family, there is no differentiation between family and business. It's a great day when my wife and mom come by the office for lunch and we discuss Sunday plans, or when my kids run down the halls and yell "Grandpa" when they see my dad. It's a constant reminder of why we do what we do.

  9. Daily Devotion: The first time I shadowed my dad, I learned that he starts each work day with prayer, and now I try to do the same. It helps to center me and guide my priorities.

  10. Love and Support: I thrive on encouragement and appreciation for the smallest of gestures and details. Sometimes you just need a reminder of what your "why's" are and that it's not typically big things, but the little things that change people's worlds.



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