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Sep/Oct 2020

Two of my girls and our ornery poodles with me on a wonderfully secluded beach trip to the beautiful Bald Head Island in July.
The best kind of social distancing.

The older I get, the easier it seems to find the silver linings in life. Years of hustle and haste have a way of softening expectations and creating clarity about what matters most. While 2020 will go down in the record books as possibly the most chaotic, challenging, and surprising year of our lives (anyone else startled by the Pentagon announcement of their Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force?), most people I know have found that the life changes instigated by COVID-19 restrictions have been (or uncovered) a blessing in disguise. The forced-downtime has inspired career moves, business start-ups, and resignations - all in the name of seeking a better quality of life. Circumstances that require all of us to stay at home mean that more people are now upsizing and seeking the formerly-obsolete formal dining room, and urbanization that was happening at a rapid clip has slowed down in favor, once again, of sprawling yards and big skies.

Though it is impossible to say without feeling a lot of compassion for those facing an uphill battle with their businesses and jobs, I can honestly say that my quality of life has improved over these past few months. Everyone with whom I come into contact seems a little less harried, a little more empathetic, and a whole lot more patient. Zoom meetings mean less driving time and more opportunities to step into the yard and throw a ball for my poodles or take an impromptu hike with one of my kids, who are studying in another room. And, in a flashback to my childhood, more than a few summer evenings have been spent taking a long and winding drive with the windows down and music playing, simply because there isn’t much better to do. As an introvert, maybe I am just built for social distancing. Or, maybe what might be described as adapting to the latest test of our mettle is really opening up to possibilities for a better way.

In this issue, we celebrate and say goodbye to all things summer, as we savor these last few weeks of temperate Columbus weather. Speaking of silver linings, be sure to check out the article on RH Gallery, a company that is bucking the downward trend in retail and capitalizing on the stay-at-home atmosphere. And in lieu of society event coverage, we’ve taken the opportunity to publish a few throw-backs that celebrate the good work organizations like The James, Recreation Unlimited, Freedom a la Cart, and the New Albany Community Foundation are doing while recalling days of gathering en masse.

As always, I hope you enjoy reading Sophisticated Living Columbus as much as our team enjoys bringing it to you.

Warm wishes,

Amelia Editor in Chief

Note: In our Late Winter 2020 issue, the stunning photography of the Zenner House in Athens, Ohio was not properly credited to Sam Girton Photography. Check them out at


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