Compiled by Victoria Chase
This one-of-a-kind, freshly photographed recipe collection presents portraits of America's foremost food personalities and their intimate stories about food, family, and their passion for cooking — each accompanied by one or more of their personal signature dishes and family favorites.
Joe Yonan (Editor)—America The Great Cookbook—hardcover, 482 pages, Weldon Owen
In an era of technology and digital communication, many of us find ourselves a bit out of practice when it comes to engaging in face-to-face small talk. Author Melissa Wadsworth provides simple advice, engaging visuals, and brief exercises to learn the art of small talk in a variety of situations.
Melissa Wadsworth—How to Make Small Talk: Conversation Starters, Exercises, and Scenarios— paper over board, 160 pages, Adams Media
Perfect for any Jane Austen enthusiast, this pocketsized book is packed with memorable quotes from one of the most influential writers of all time.
The Tiny Book of Jane Austen—hardcover, 192 pages, Insight Editions
Melding history, psychology, art, and obsession, bestselling author Simon Garfield presents an intriguing look at humans' fascination with small things, and what small things tell us about our larger world.
Simon Garfield—In Miniature: How Small Things Illuminate the World—paper over board, 336 pages, Atria Books
Spanning nearly a century and encompassing everything from bouts on the turf to the hardwood, this book is a compilation of essential columns from more than three dozen masters of the pressbox craft, written with passion, spontaneity and humor.
John Schulian (Editor), Charles P. Pierce (Foreward)—The Great American Sports Page: A Century of Classic Columns from Ring Lardner to Sally Jenkins—hardcover, 421 pages, Library of America
With expert guidance for projects ranging in scope from hanging baskets to flower beds, you'll be able to turn your backyard into a bright summer paradise.
Emma Hardy—Small Summer Gardens: 35 bright and beautiful gardening projects to bring color and scent to your garden—paper over board, 144 pages, CICO Books
A guide for living small in the big world, the book's references to pioneering projects from the early 20th century provides perspective for modern living concepts.
Dr. Klaus Kemp, Tessa Pearson (Editor)—Petite Places: Clever Interiors for Humble Homes—hardcover, 256 pages, Gestalten
Author Will Friedwald sketches the history of the greatest jazz singers—including the likes of Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole and Sara Vaughan—by dissecting their finest albums.
Will Friedwald—The Great Jazz and Pop Vocal Albums—hardcover, 432 pages, Pantheon Books
Photographer Derry Moore and interior designer David Mlinaric offer a panoramic tour inside some of Britain’s finest manor houses, halls, castles, and public buildings built between the 18th and the 20th centuries.
David Mlinaric (Writer), Derry Moore (Photographer)—Great English Interiors—hardcover, 224 pages, Prestel Publishing
Travel writer and photographer Mark Bedor showcases twenty-six horseback rides across the United States.
Mark Bedor—Great Rides of Today's Wild West: A Horseman's Photographic Journey Across the American West—hardcover, 240 pages, Skyhorse Publishing